MTP Cluster Software Release!

Let me start of by saying thank you for having patience, we know we’re a few weeks late on the release, we happened to run into multiple problems while trying to get the software ready for public use.

The software is still far from perfect, some bugs and problems will probably pop-up in the next few months, but overall from the testing we’ve done and the prototype software we’ve sent out has worked with minor issues.

Keep in mind that this is an alpha version of the software and its the very first release, some features we had to strip as they are still unfinished, some are half working like gauge needles and support for analog signals is still not implemented (for some models oil pressure and turn signals..etc do not function yet)

However we plan to fully support these features in free upcoming updates!

How to buy:

Visit our shop to buy a cluster license:

>> MTP Cluster License available now at our shop! <<

To get access to download the MTP Software you need to own at least 1x MTP Cluster License Key(s)

How to download:

To get access to the software download you must have an account here @ and you need to buy / own at least 1 MTP Cluster License (available at our shop)

After you own at least 1 license you will get access to the download link on your account download page:
Home > My Account > Downloads

After you also need to generate your license key(s) by going to your software licenses page:
Home > My Account > Software Licenses
(might appear under the logout tab at the bottom)

Take a look at our previous post for the complete install instructions.

MTP Software License Keys

If you’re confused about how licenses work or what you are paying for continue reading:

The MTP Cluster Software is technically free in itself.
However a license key can only be ‘bound’ to 1 MTP Cluster
(raspberry pi hardware) and 1 VIN number

For example, lets say you own a shop and you want to install 5 clusters into 5 vehicles, you’ll need to buy 5 license keys.
If you actually do own a shop and you want to sell our product, we will have a sign-up page available soon.

Once a license key is registered to a VIN / Cluster, it is no longer valid for any other vehicle nor any other cluster device.

If for whatever reason you need to re-register a vehicle due to either cluster hardware damage/replacement or vehicle VIN mismatch (due to ECU swaps..etc) you will need to request to re-active the license key with sufficient proof.

This license system helps combat piracy and the pricing helps fund further development!

Features & Release Notes:

  • OBD2 Plug and Play
  • Currently supports 1999 to 2007-classic (2006 style) models.
  • Easily switch between Metric & Imperial Units
  • Easily switch between cluster styles, 15 design combinations for both 99-02 and 03-06 models included with GMC, Chevrolet and SS logos.
  • Working Odometer (Configurable millage, SEE DISCLAIMER BELOW*)
  • Gauge Needles (work in progress, only 1 cluster style has it implemented at the moment)
  • Easy Software Updater included (free future updates)
  • Easily adjust display position (if your cluster screen doesn’t match up 100% with the oem bezel, you can easily shift the position left,right,up or down with this feature)
  • Customizable cluster design system (not included in this version yet but next version will support it)
  • Customizable OBD2 parameters (not included in this version yet but next version will support it)
  • Numbers and gauges update smoothly unlike some other cluster systems out there, (there is no major delay, however there will be settings to turn it off)
  • Some values have calculations included like fuel -> fuel percentage
  • Future versions will support any analog inputs like widebands as well as specific inputs like turn signals..etc
  • Current OBD2 parameters are rpm, mph, fuel percentage, coolant temperature, transmission temperature, oil pressure (if supported), current gear(if supported) and voltage. As stated above in a future update these will be configurable to display whatever OBD2 parameter or analog input you choose.
  • We will support more vehicles and more universal applications in the future!


By reading this you(the reader / customer) agree and understand that this product/software is not a finished product/software, you may experience: software bugs, hardware and software issues, issues in general and difficulties while installing, by purchasing or downloading any of our products you agree to and understand this disclaimer.

You (the reader / customer) takes full responsibility for the parts/software you are installing and agree that MaxTunePerformance or or its owner(Tony Enns) holds no responsibility for consequences, legal, or other, of such use and/or misuse.

MTP products and software are sold for off-road use only.
Items sold for off-road use only are illegal in multiple states and provinces and are only intended for racing vehicles which may never be used on a public road.

By purchasing any MTP aftermarket product/software, you (the reader / customer) takes full responsibility for any use, and/or misuse of the product/software and agrees that MaxTunePerformance or holds no responsibility for any consequences, legal, or other, of such use and/or misuse.


at the time of posting this article, MTP Clusters/Products are within the legal tolerance / error of US Manufactured Odometer Devices even tho MTP Clusters/Products are not meant as a replacement to your existing odometer.

49 USC 32703(2) says a person may not “disconnect, reset, alter, or have disconnected, reset, or altered, an odometer of a motor vehicle intending to change the mileage registered by the odometer.”

and as stated above you take full responsibility by using our products.
MTP clusters/software/products are not meant as a replacement to your vehicles odometer but rather a addon device like a GPS or external OBDII Screen & Scanner.

if you’re in a position where you are worried about the legality of your specific install we recommend that a professional installs our MTP Clusters and leaves the original cluster plate connected, this will retain and keep updating your original millage else you may potentially be breaking the law to some degree.


End of Disclaimer.

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